Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Todae~a bit better

Early in the morning,I escaped aGain
I went to 5S2 to met Michelle n WayWoon faw passed them the Sour Sweet...
E came n asked y WayWoon alwaz bought this sweet to schol,
Michelle answered was not she bought it...but was sumbody else...
As His cleverness,he could easily guess dat I bought it n He mentioned She??
Ops,I quickly ran away...Luckily I would able to avoid any awkward incident happen...
Was swt n scary moment in their class...=.=
Finaly I came bak coz I have no place to go,
the oni place is my class faw continue reading my favourite book~TWILIGHT
I could not able to escaped coz my Darling didnt came to schol,
so wad o ware can i go??
I choose to face it as 1 of my Dear sae,v shud be honest by telling everythgs
C asked wad happen about me these pass few dae...
she asked me whether is angry her o nop...
I denied it...but actualy I realy didnt
During break tym,
Elvin found ask n asked us about where is Cynthia...
V sae duno n asked him y,he mentioned tat Ethan want to found her to took bck $
Once I heard it,my response goes very high...
I started feel Jealous?Am I felt so??
After break time,
all of us went to auditorium
CKeat,TKeat,WWoon,JWen,YiLian sat together...
WSzin n TTheng came in n sat wif us...felt weird
At least,v guys started chit-chat...

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