Friday, June 27, 2008

A sPeCiaL Dae Faw Us

Todae I woke up early in the morning as usual althought dat dae all Chung Hwa's student doesn't nid to go school but nid to go to Youth Park bcoz of the cross-country race...
6 of us didnt go faw it bcoz v have a gathering of 6 of us...This is the 2nd time v can totally 6 people go together...Hurray~
Qiqi's mum fetch me to Cynthia's house faw meet them 1st while waiting faw our driver=Thengx,hehex..`joking`.
First,We go to "点心之家" eat 点心.As reward to all of them give me a such memorabole dae n thkz thengx faw being our's driver,I pay the total cost of it...They want to noe how much it cost but as I noe the landlady there,I can easily dont let them found out the cost...But they keep on make noise there until the landlady felt annoy,she finally tell them RM20 sumthg...They want to pay me back each person RM5 den it will cost RM30 d.Wadeva,I wont accept the money eh.
Next of our programme is go to HiKinG~
We go to Youth Park for it...See`v are so dare,v wear casual to there with the mood of a bit scare to meet those CHCHS people....
Along the hill,v could able to see many CHCHS's student and lots of monkey there...
2 of our darz scare of monkeys...hehex...They are???
WwOoN and Michelle...hahax~
While climbing happily up to the hill,we stop and take photo...
There is the photo below...
Unfortunately,my XX reached there and fetch me when v are stil top there....She shud inform me earlier so tat I would be able to reach as she reach too...
Sorry....I leave u guys there...
As u guys noe it is with my unwillingly...


Unknown said...

wah.. u guys having it so fun...
hehe.. this a few day i view in ur blog n noe more abt u... ^^

Unknown said...

thkz faw viewing my blog eh...hehex..
I viewed urs too