Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dear Shirley 19th Birthday Celebration

1/5/10 is the Labour Day as annually and it is also the day after Shirley's Birthday. Due to the 6th formers so we changed to today but not the real day of her birthday.

The schedule , the journey of the day that I had planned so hard started with lunch for both of us, me and Shirley at one of the restaurant of Upper Penang Road.We had 2 set lunch there and we shared together which is Grilled Salmon and Cod Fish.I like the environment very much,I will go again for dinner but not for lunch.


After lunch, we headed to fetch Cynthia and Michelle.We waited Cynthia for about an hour, she need time to make up into a princess.Next venue is Gurney Plaza as I wanted to go Coach fair

The time is packed and we seem like should not going to Gurney as the traffic was jamming but we still needed to go as the cupcakes that I ordered cant sent to the place that I told so changed to Gurney. Anyway, still need to thank you Shirley for brought us there too. Shirley went to bought movie ticket for her family but the queue was too long,luckily I met one of my mum’s friend queuing there too so she helped us.

Time was so rushing, after ticket,cake and drinks collection at gurney. We quickly rushed to 5S1 class gathering at Home’s cafe to met Cynlin there.

After a small celebration there, we headed to QueensbayMall to have our celebration for Shirley.P1120100

That’s all for the day. More details click here.

This year I gave a superman Tee, a box of cupcakes, a dolphin cake and a ROXY bag which is shared by me and others (Cynthia,Cynlin,Michelle,WeiSian,ShenLing and Su Ann)

Happy 19th Birthday,Shirley Lim

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