Monday, April 6, 2009

Out without any purposes

I felt that I could able to drive more confident d so I decided to fetch both of my bff,Cynthia and Michelle as their job just end yesterday.

Dad accompanied me to fetch them,headed to home drop dad & made myself alright.Then we 3 girls headed to Queens.As we just went there for nothing,without any purposes,so we walked around.up and down.We met another of our bff,Qiqi and her hubby,AngChunKeat.

Before home,we went to Dave Deli to had our dinner.


Theng ♥ said...

boh invite me...

Unknown said...

they follow me go learn car eh leh...u wana follow too?

Theng ♥ said...

go meet u guys mah,hehex...

Unknown said...

stil got chance u,me,ws can drive liao mah...wen this month oso will test liao eh

Theng ♥ said...

ya,i know...
she ytd just told me she 17th take test...

Unknown said...

so sure got chance...all of us can drive our own...wen n ws not niid both of them drive oso...

Theng ♥ said...

why no need them drive?

Unknown said...

i mean eh is either ws o wen drive can d mah since they stay same place eh

Theng ♥ said...


Unknown said...

Comelnya theng theng

Theng ♥ said...

hodohny theng theng...

Unknown said...

mana ada wor...
saya lagi hodoh

Theng ♥ said...

saya lagi hodoh lah..
and bodoh juga...

Unknown said...

saya baru lah orang yg hodoh and bodoh