Sunday, April 26, 2009

2nd day @ Kelantan I will be back to my hometown,Penang.Wooray!

Today,mum actually made appointment with a mug that could able to help u in the future at 8.30 a.m.(actualli it depend whether u blif o not).So uncle met us at 7.15 in the hotel lobby.They planned to bring all to eat the Kelantan famous food which is Nasi Dagang.but unfortunately din open so early so we went to eat Chinese Porriage.Per bowl RM 5 eh....super duper exp leh...

After that,temple again...=.='''

Next,went to one of the border of Kelantan which is near to Thailand.Lunch there,buy Thailand Snack there...Last meal also with TomYam soup...

We found something interesting over there which is named as Masjid Cina o Masjid Beijing.

Looks like what?Majid o Temple?
After that,we continue our penang 5hour journey...

Miss You,my home...

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