Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tripx...Day Three3...

Day 3...The third and the last day..
Morning have buffet breakfast.Den went to find strawberry to pluck.
But unfortunately,we cant found it d bcoz many shop eh strawberry plants old d so they exchanged and waited it to grow.We found 1 shop but not allowes us to pluck.Haizx..But hor,I curi curi pluck 1 which the biggest 1 and AhHoon Auntie pluck another 1.

Mummy and AhKok uncle bought a few box of strawberry from dat shop.Next venue was market to bought vege,chocolates and flowers.

Down from Cameron den back to Ipoh again for lunch with Auntie relatives.

Finally reached Penang at 5 p.m.

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