Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today was a public holiday faw dunno wad MaLay's thing.And as part of malaysia,we got chance to rest and share it..yippi.

Today,I'm goin out wif frenz again.But this time was the 1st time I went out with different people which were LinKeat,Chang and LiJing.
And today we planned to go for QueesbayMall again and also "Money not enuf 2" againx.And thengx had to help her k.sis so she was late.Me and linkeat were fetched by her,so we were late too.No chance to watch it d.But nevermind,I got DVD of it.

Then,after decided went to shopping,we went to eat 1st.Where?Where?OLD TOWN.
I ordered a cup of chocolate and a piece of thick toast with kaya and butter.Thengx ordered a cup of coffee and a bowl of JawaMee.LinKeat ordered a cup of coffee too but is halzunut coffee and a plate of nasi lemak.Chang and LiJing shared a cup of coffee and a bowl of 鸡丝河粉,so sweet.

Shopping faw a while,we went to MemoryLane and Linkeat found sumthing intersting.a pen which bad words pointing by finger and also found 3 pen which can play a game called "sisscors,stone and cloth剪刀石头布"
Looks~It's intersting.

See,our cutie 5s4 monitor~KhorLinKeat.

*Happy Birthday Daniel Wong

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