Monday, August 4, 2008

4th of August's Birthday

Today have a bad weather but our planning stil goes on...
We act as normally at every period especially at the 1st Account's period...
Wad are we students act for?
For MAKE HIM SUPRISE lurh ~ ~ !!

Unfortunately,some student had to go at 1 pm while our plan is at 10th period...
At last,we plan the celebration at recess time....

When me and ChiYin went to find him,he was been celebrated wif sum of his ccolleague like Pn.Chooi,Mr.Teh,Mr.Hoo,Mr.Tan,Pn.Goh and 2 more which I dont know their's name...

There are Mr.Teh,Mr.Tay,Mr.Hoo,Mr.Tan...

Here v have Pn.Chooi,XX,Pn.Goh,Mr.Tay,XX...

We informed him dat pls come up at 10.35 sharp...
When he came up,our class boiis stand 2 side corner of the door...
And I was the 1 holding the lighted cake along with him,YIPPI...
He found dat the cake was so cute and special oni for great he feel...

The Cake...looks special,right?

Handsome eh sir,HAPI BDAY

Cut...den older 1 year liao...

5S4's students wif BDAY sir,except those absent

Mr.Tay Soon Thiam,HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

Today still is my another 2 friends birthday...
They are...
Yvonne Ng which had migrated to Sarawak since 2004...
while the other is___________________
Yeap Chee Kah which stuay at 5s2...

1 comment:

Theng ♥ said...

Happy Birthday to our lovely teacher Mr. Tay ! ! !